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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

You Learn Something New Every Day!

I enjoy having my young preschool students exposed to as many different books and literary adventures as possible. However, sometimes I wish I could send a library home with those that I know have hardly any literature at home much less children's books. In light of that struggle, it's been brought to my attention that there is a well established company, created by Dolly Parton, called Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, which, in fact, does send home a library to those in need!
This fantastic program is available to any family or community in need.  Parents are able to request a book be sent monthly to their home absolutely free. You can also replicate a program in your community and have the book(s) sent to multiple children. This is a fantastic program that helps to support our struggling families and communities with the basic children right of having books in the home. 
Check it out in your spare time and register your child, a student of yours, or create your own program for your community!